Thursday, January 06, 2005


Six days into 2005 & this is what I've been up to...

I was in Mari’s hometown – Shuzenji - for the New Year visiting her parents. I love Shuzenji. It is a small town, so there’s not much to do. No movie theatre, but there is a famous hot spring just up the road. The lack of things to do is the reason to go there. I can just eat, relax, read and watch TV. It’s a tough stay, especially with Mari’s mum forcing loads of scrumptious food and fine liquor on me. Discovered that sherry is a mighty fine drink. It was pretty cold, snow having fallen just recently.

At midnight on New Year’s Eve Mari & I walked up the road to do the temple-visiting thing. After five yen and a few handclaps we scampered back home because of the freezing cold.

The next few days continued along the lines of waking at around 11 in the morning, eating lunch, reading and drinking coffee until dinner, eating said dinner, watching TV (or reading some more) until about 1am. As I said, it was a very tough stay. I managed to finish reading The Rise of Endymion and thus complete the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons. Jimbo, you were right, it is excellent. I broke this grueling pattern to go to the nearby town of Mishima and watch The Terminal. This was a pretty ordinary affair, with Mr. Hanks giving his usual trustworthy performance and Mr. Spielberg sleepwalking through it. While there’s nothing to complain about, there’s also nothing to rave about. DVD it unless you’ve got time and/or money to spare.

Late at night on the 4th Mari & I returned to Tama Plaza. We immediately got back into watching Sex and the City. We’re well into the 4th season now and are greatly enjoying it. Unfortunately Mari has had to return to the reality of work for the rest of this week. Fortunately I have until next Tuesday to continue lazing about. I’ve started reading the manga Detective Conan. It’s fun, and I can convince myself that it’s good for my Japanese. I’ve also watched Paycheck, staring Ben Affleck. This flick would be a gem for Film Forensic, but I’m already busy with other films to fillet.


At January 07, 2005 6:35 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Konichiwa, Winston-san. How goes the fight against 3327? Bringing the system down from the inside, I trust.

So where is it that you'er actually living now? Simon said you were about to move out of your apartment, but since I'm not really sure where that is as well, it didn't mean much.

Still haven't finished the Hyperion books (have now waited something of the order of ten years since finishing Fall, so I probably would need to start again). I assume you've got on the China Mieville bandwagon by now? If not, there's your new reading assignment. Perdido Street Station, dude.

My Paycheck review - meh. Not as bad as I expected, but still not hideous. At least had a credible ending, which is more than I could say for Minority Report. Woo should have concentrated just a little bit harder on servicing the plot. Thurman was utterly wasted. I did like the Giant Robot Waldo Fu, though.

At January 12, 2005 10:01 AM, Blogger Dave said...

I see you're also in the all-too-typical blogger's habit of non-constant updating. Welcome to the club.


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