Wednesday, January 19, 2005

And for dinner tonite…

I love lamb. It tastes great and the original wrapper is cute to boot. BAA!!

You can eat it with utensils but it tastes better by hand. And this is the must-do method of consuming the little lambkins. One should begin with knife and fork then progress to a closed mitt with lamb’s grease oozing between the fingers for the finale of gnawing the meat from the bone. Did I mention I love lamb?

I enjoy drinking while I’m cooking. Beer will suffice; wine is better, and red wine best of all. However drinking while cooking presents some difficulties:

Difficulty the first – food is easily burnt.

Difficulty the second – one tends to either pick at it while performing said cooking, or afterwards wolf down the resulting meal. Thus the enjoyment of tasting one’s own cooking as a proper sit down meal is circumvented. However due to Difficulty the First this sometimes is not such a bad thing all together.

Difficulty the Third – one can’t remember which bastard made a great fucking mess in the kitchen.


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