Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dreamgirls. More than meets the eyes.

Just back from watching Dreamgirls. Very enjoyable. Eddie Murphy acts, and Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson can really sing

But I left really wanting to see Transformers, for which there was a short preview.

The preview was preambled by Steven Speilberg and Michael Bay encouraging viewers to come and see the movie. They both finished with some very cute Japanese, which sounded not at all like they were reading it from a cue card, and didn't at all understand what they were saying. These promos by directors is a kind of weird thing which happens over here for big Hollywood films. They're kind of funny, because those who are usually behind the camera are a little befuddled when put in front of it. Although a wild-eyed Peter Jackson extolling Japanese to see King Kong was a tad scary.

I digress. The Transformers preview showed me all I needed to see to be convinced. Thankfully it gave very little away about plot, and even less about the visuals of the Transformers themselves. The smidgen that I did see made me go... WOW!

I've decided I'll watch no more previews about it until 4 August, when I intend to be first in line (although not to watch a preview). For a Michael Bay film, that's got to be a first. But I trust the bearded one's guiding hand.



At April 02, 2007 12:56 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

There should be an email for you.

At April 05, 2007 10:07 PM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

this word you keep using. extol. i do not think it means what you think it means.


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