Monday, April 25, 2005

My Points in Dot Life

  • Yesterday we caught up with friends Taku & Junko. I'd last seen Taku at their wedding in March last year, but Junko I’d caught up with at my recent birthday party. We had about 7 hours of drinking and merriment. Great stuff.
  • I stole a shopping basket. Recently I seem unable to walk and chew gum at the same time. I more often than not forget to drop off the garbage in the morning when walking to work. Thus I get half way to the station and wonder why I'm holding a plastic bag of rubbish. On Friday I forgot to drop off the shopping basket after I'd finished shopping. I was surprised to get home and find that I was still holding the basket. After an hour I snuck it back to the store on the way to the gym. I haven't been back into the shop yet, because of the embarrassment.
  • Play some Chisel ya wankers! Last Wednesday we saw Norah Jones and the Handsome Band at the Budokan. Norah was cute beyond all cuteness, and sang a nice selection of songs from her two CDs plus some C&W, Tom Waites, and The Band. The Budokan's seating is perpendicular and vertigo inducing. Norah suggested we all stand for one number, but the fear for my life kept me seated.
  • It's a hat. It's a brooch. It's a pteradactyl. Last weekend I bought a V603T. My old phone of four years was dropped and about 1/3 of the screen became black. It's self-repair facility was turned off, so I had no choice but to put it out to pasture. Yes, my new phone has a TV. The screen has incredible resolution for the size. This allows me to see, with crystal clear clarity, the shitty snowy picture because of bad reception everywhere. In the TV commercial for phones with TVs, groups of young people stand around staring in simple amazement at their friend's new purchase. I'm sure they must be standing atop Tokyo Tower having their sperm and eggs irradiated to get such great pictures. The radio works about as well. The Japanese / English dictionaries are useful. It may work as a phone, but no one ever calls me, so I'll never know. I think, like my old phone, it will end up being my transportable email connection to the world. How do you spell gimmick?
  • Two weekends ago we hired a car and drove to Chiba. We stayed overnight with a great hotel with meals package that was cheap beyond belief. On the Saturday we saw a big stone Buddha, and did much walking up and down hills. After dinner we sang some karaoke and played pool. I hope to go there again. On the Sunday we drove around the peninsula. I have many pictures. Come and visit if you want to see them.
  • Saw a great TV special - Jackie Chan and the members of Japanese boy band Tokio versus 100 people in a game of bedlam on the streets of Tokyo. Jackie and the others had to wear receivers, and when one of the 100 hunters got near them, the receivers started beeping. Jackie's team had to get to 5 cans that were in 5 separate areas. It was pretty neat. Funniest moment was when Jackie was trapped in a park by a bunch of kids on the hunter team, and tried to escape across the lake on a paddle swan. Surrounded and unable to get away he paddled furiously around the lake, teasing the kids who couldn't quite catch him. The kids faces looked so happy when he eventually gave up to them.
  • You're only paranoid if it's not true. I think the only video I’ve seen is JFK. JFK dies in the end (Bwa Ha ha ha. No spoiler warning. You trusting fools). They killed him. Who are they? Well, Mr. Stone has a theory.
  • Working for the man. In between all of this I’ve been doing 10 ~ 11 hour days at the new contract. Fortunately I have nights free and I like the work, so that is all good.


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