Friday, March 25, 2005

How do I love thee Firefox?

I am so happy with Mozilla’s browser Firefox. I made the change at Xmas time and haven’t looked back. I love the tabbed browsing. I recommend the Foxy Tunes extension. It makes listening to Triple J an uncluttered experience on the computer. After some advice from Miss Linda I also looked into this young people’s RSS/Atom stuff. So now I use the Sage extension and with one click I can tell whose blogs have been updated. No more disappointment from visiting someone’s blog to see no change. If anyone has other useful Firefox extensions, please let me know.

BTW, ten days of holidays begin now.

Despite Dave's advice on Sunday I'll be making my way to see National Treasure with movie buddy Allan in tow. Although I should really say that I am in tow, as Allan did most of the organizing. I'm not trying to shift blame, just giving credit where it's due. Cause you know I'll go and watch almost any old shit. Especially if it's on DVD and I'm renting it on half price Tuesday. And with that...

The Movie Maven

Starship Troopers 2
What would happen if the bugs declared war, and nobody came? Starship Troopers 2 is essentially a gory haunted house flick with bugs book ending the affair. In this I thought the Starship Trooper duo were a twist on the first two Alien movies. Alien is a haunted house in space, Aliens is a war movie. The Starship Trooper films reverse this, and the effect is not so stunning. Diminishing the numerical threat of the bugs is a bit of a let down after the ludicrousness of the first movie. It’s another sequel that doesn't live up to the first. What a surprise.

For fanboys who like blood on their tits.

Sex and the City
Finally all the seasons have been watched. Watching all of Sex and the City is like eating 5 King Size Kit Kats followed by a steak dinner. It seems like a good idea as you start out sweet and full of sugary fun, but by the 5th bar one is getting a little queasy in the stomach. And so by the end of the 5th season I'd pretty much had my fill of the neurotic, rich, white chicks from the Big Apple. There were many singular moments I’d enjoyed and laughed at, but mostly their greatest crisis in life was whining about which wealthy man one should commit to. It's really hard to give a shit about them. Sure it was always witty and well written, but I kept waiting for it to say something real about life that wasn’t a reprocessed pun.

Thank you baby Jesus for the steak dinner that was the 6th and final season. Finally the writers decided to give the ladies lives that the viewer could sink their teeth into.

For those who have never seen the superb This Life.

But more than dodgy videos has transpired since you last ventured here. Monday was a holiday, and so the 3 days off necessitated a trip to Mari’s folks. I won’t go into the great food we ate (steak, fried pork cutlets), for I’d like to mention Mari’s nephew.

Kairi, is now 18 months old. He’s becoming pretty entertaining. He can’t consistently say any words yet, but continuously makes noises that can easily be interpreted as words related to what he’s pointing at, wanting, etc. And what he wants is whichever one of his toys you’ve picked up. It’s really funny how even though he’s got 15 matchbox cars in front of him, he wants the one that you’ve picked up a few seconds ago. But he doesn’t try to get it from you himself; he gets another person to do his dirty work.

At first he looks at you and grunts. When this doesn’t result in the return of the toy, he grabs someone else’s trouser leg, sleeve etc. and by grunts and pointing directs their attention to the toy thief. This continues until the return of the toy. Yes, the baby is using the adult as muscle. What are you gonna do about it, whitey?

The other day Mari and I went to a Shabu Shabu restaurant. Shabu Shabu is a very thin strip of meat that is cooked by dipping it into boiling water for a few seconds. As there are a few types of sauces that can be put on the strip, and the usual assortment of Japanese vegetables, it is a healthy and tasty affair. I’ve had it a few times before, but this restaurant had a twist. Instead of the aforementioned boiling water, it offered the option of boiling soymilk.

Never having had this before I wanted to give it a try. Well after the milk formed a skin we took this off and dipped it in one of the sauces. Yummy! Next a strip was tried. With a sesame sauce it was absolutely delicious. Japanese food is so great.

Today is so sunny I feel I should change out of my PJs and go and have a look see. I’ve had my anti-hay fever tablets, so reality is slowly regressing into the hazy distance. That means I can walk outside sans runny nose and itchy eyes for the next few hours.

Guess I better seize the daylight.


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