Monday, July 03, 2006

Man vs. Machine

With a work schedule that's finally settling down I'm turning my eyes once again to that time-sucker Mr. Sony has dubbed PSP. So far I've only played games on it, but I've really wanted to utilize its music and video capabilities. On the weekend I had another stab at it.

I say "another stab" because I tried to do so with little success about a month ago. The PSP is no iPod; it doesn't seem to have an inbuilt, intuitive interface to upload or catalogue music or video files. Nor am I a technophile by any means. If it literally isn't plug and play them my mind immediately clouds over. To give you some idea of my incompetence, setup wizards are the first circle of my computing hell.

My last efforts almost ended with the PSP sailing out the window. It took several hours of googling to find out what to do, then to find out why it wasn't working, then to find out what to do next, then to find out why that wasn't working. My best guess of the scenarios is:

The PSP can't play .wav unless you enable this option. You can't enable this option without it connecting to a network (so Mr Sony can keep track of you???). For this option you can't connect to a network using the USB, it's got to be WiFi. The WiFi connection begins with some kind of setup wizardy thingy, for which I not only have no WiFI network, but I also don't have Read Magic to comprehend.

Or if you go the non-.wav option you need a program to convert files into a format the PSP will read. These programs can be downloaded from the Internet.

So the first scenario I tried last time. It left me in defeat and with a notion that the PSP would look better smashed into a million itsy-bitsy pieces.

The second scenario I tried yesterday. This met with more success. I downloaded trial versions of xilisoft's products. Video Converter did convert the videos successfully (up to the 5 min limit of the trial). And Program Manager did put them onto the PSP, and I could watch these snippets with much hand-clapping glee. However the conversion took about 5 mins for a 5 min video (thank Gandalf I wasn't converting Return of the King) which seems a little slow to me, and Program Manager kept telling me the device wasn't a PSP (I said copy them over anyway) and after each copy, it crashed (although the copy was successful). As I'm unsure whether it is my fault, my computer's PSP driver's fault, or Program Manager's fault, I'm hesitiating to fork over the cash for the full version.

So to cut a dull story not short enough, to the other PSPers who may read this blog:
Is my take on the scenarios correct?
What do you do or use to listen to music or watch videos on your PSP?


At July 04, 2006 3:43 AM, Blogger alixkid said...

Yes the wizards belong in the first circle of hell. Right alongside visa applications.

At July 04, 2006 6:36 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Hmmmm. Since I am happily watching a ripped from dvd version of wallace and gromit (mpeg4 converted from divx/avi via psp video 9), and have been happily been playing mp3's, it looks like your experience has been unfortunate. Thankfully, mine hasn't. But I guess that isn't so useful.

At July 04, 2006 7:48 AM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

Well Dave it's helpful in that I now know it can be done.

Last night I had much success with an MP3 test. They just copied over with relatively no problem. There were about 4 of the 30-odd tracks which the PSP said had "Corrupted Data" and were unreadable. This could have come from the original ripping process, the conversion of .wav to MP3, or the copying, but as it was already nigh on midnight by that time I gave up and went to bed.

At July 04, 2006 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use the Mac version of PSPWare, although I've linked to the Win version. It seems to convert video at a reasonable clip (depending on your machine speed) and is a doddle to use. I did fork out for the shareware fee though, but since all the official video converters for PSP are Win based, it seemed a reasonable deal at the time.

I haven't bothered so much with music since it's all on the iPod which is less of a pain to cart around, so gets more travel than the PSP.

Also: feguf!

At July 04, 2006 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That said, if anyone can tell me how to set up the #@$%ing* wireless connection, it would put me out of my (*see above) misery!

At July 05, 2006 10:00 PM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

Thanks for the link to PSPWare da simonster. Unfortunately after downloading the demo I've tried to use it twice, and it crashed both times! Not a good start for our relationship.
And Media Manager seems to require XP, but I'm still on 2000.
double 8(

At July 06, 2006 6:53 AM, Blogger Dave said...

When i was first using psp video 9 it would crash if i didnt have the correct directory structure setup on the psp's memory stick. Also I ocassionally get mp3s that wont play on it as well. If i ever come home sober (f*cking soccer world cup), i can go though how i got stuff to play. Also - you can apparently play your mp3's as custom tracks in GTA. But it requires some stuffing around.

At July 06, 2006 7:36 AM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

Thanks Dave. There's no hurry - I don't want to take you away from the important activity of drinking during the WC.

You said "it" would crash. What was "it"? Was "it" PSPWare?

As for playing tracks in GTA I'd heard you can do that, and it would be pretty cool. But why would you wanna change from those crazy radio stations anyway. They're pretty fuckin' funny.

But I still haven't gone back to GTA after I stopped several months ago. I just got so frustrated with the inability to save during the missions. I got sick of repeatedly failing a mission, and so having to go back to the pre-mission save point, drive across town to the boss' house to accept the mission, start the mission, fail...

If you could save just before the mission starts that would be great, but you can ony save by going back to your room. Or have I got that wrong?

At July 08, 2006 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Errr... if I was to guess, I'd say that 'it' would be the aforementioned 'psp video 9'.

Just a guess, mind.

I have a sneaking suspicion you'll be pushing shit uphill to get any of these programs to work reliably with W2K, though. Still, best of luck.

At July 10, 2006 6:52 AM, Blogger Dave said...

simonster has the right of it. PSP vidoe 9 = good times. The directory it wanted was (on the PSP memory stick)\MP_ROOT\100MNV01 - without this directory, bad things would happen. According to a quick google, it is compatible with win2k.

As regards gta, you have the right of it. i found there was a stage in the early game where i was always failing a mission, and having to restart. after a while though, i got to the stage where i wasnt having to save all the time - i could do a mission or two before saving, etc.

two suggestions - play the mini-games and rampages to keep you entertained, and use the site useful hints

At July 10, 2006 7:37 AM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

Thanks da simonster and Dave for all your advice.

I've upgraded to XP over the weekend in the hope that these and many other little problams will disappear (help me Bill Gates, you're my only hope), and soon I'll have another look at the programs you've both suggested.


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