Friday, April 29, 2005

And now for your visual pleasure

Pictures have arrived! These are from the recent weekend in Chiba I mentioned in my last post.


This is Umihotaru. Between Yokohama and the Chiba peninsula there is a big bay. Underneath this bay there is a tunnel of about 10kms. Umihotaru is a manmade island at the end of the tunnel, but in the bay. It is quite big, having a car park and shopping. I guess it is over 100m long, and at least six stories tall. This shot looks toward the Chiba direction. This freeway continues to Chiba for another 4kms over the water.

Da Big Guy 1

This was where we went on the Saturday. Nokogiriyama has, as you can see from the pictures a couple of big Buddha, and some very nice scenery. It was a very good but strenuous day walking around the hills to see the sights. We took the cable car to the top, and then walked most of the way to the bottom, then back up to the top to the cable car. This wasn’t because we’re masochists, but just because there’s no “most direct” way to see everything without backtracking.

A most tranquil little dude

I think there are more than 1000 of these little guys dotted around the hills here.


Da Big Guy 2

Venus & Penis

This is from a small shrine that is near the cable car terminus.
Yes, that is Venus.
Yes, that is a giant penis.
Don’t ask me, I just work here.

Beach Babe

I hope my legs don't break...

The second day we drove around the coast of the Chiba peninsula. This is a famous statue, Tsuki no Sabaku, at one of the beaches. It was inspired by a song of the same name, about a prince and princess crossing the desert on camels. There’s a nearby museum devoted to the artist. We went into there too, but there wasn’t so much inside. Cool architecture for the building, though.

Winona Ryder sues me for impersonation
In the washout with my recent kleptomania, I returned to the shop to buy some daily essentials. At the checkout the girl packed my things into a plastic bag for me, then took the basket away.

Maybe this was just because there were only 3 items.
Or maybe this was because she was worried about the safety of the stores basket.
Who can tell?
Certainly at the trial I’m going to plead temporary insanity.


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