Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Nothing Important Happened Today

For the past few days I've been wondering what to write here. I'm at a loss to think of anything worth reporting, or that might even have a passing interest to anyone that foolishly finds their way here. The weekend's gloomy weather meant that that was spent at home, so that leaves me with the week's activities which were, well you know, basically work.

Hmmm. Let's see.

Well I've got only two videos left to watch to complete The X-Files. But actually they're not videos now, for the local rental store has just entered this millenium and upgraded to DVD's. Funny that it's when I'm about to finish. Yet I don't suppose it matters much since it was originally a TV show and so hasn't been modified to fit my screen. In fact it looks like the store went on a real spending spree because a whole heap of new (yet old) DVDs came in. I can now watch season 1 and 2 of Buffy, the Planet of the Apes series of films, or even the Marilyn Monroe collection. Spiffy. I never need leave home again.

Power Yoga is still cruising along. I was pretty happy to do an actual "bridge" pose the other day. This pose is formed by first lying on one's back, bending the knees and putting the hand's at the head, palms down. An arch is then made with the body by pushing one's body up so that the stomach is pointing to the sky. I was quite surprised when I did it, as previous attempts had left me getting about half way before flopping back to the ground. Damn you lousy matchstick arms. However once I'd achieved the pose it wasn't so hard to maintain. The main difficulty was getting there. This is unlike "frog" pose which is excruciating from start to finish. Think of lying on one's stomach while (trying) to do the front splits with knees bent. There's nothing about it I enjoy as it feels like my groin is being ripped in two, plus my boney knees and spindly legs really don't appreciate being sandwiched between my body weight and the wooden floor.

Power Yoga, it's great. Honest.

Let's Put on a Show
The biggest news (sad that it's not mine) is that Miss Alix and hubby David will definitely be coming to Tokyo in August. Hip Hip Horray. Suddenly there's something to look forward to for the summer vacation. I'm sure we'll be giving Kaiser Bill one in the eye while they're here.


At June 08, 2005 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think poweryoga is only great when your partner is doing it naked :-) maybe watching that would get me motivated to exercise on the walker!


At June 08, 2005 4:50 PM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

Your not interested in voluntarily participating in (and paying hard earned bucks for) pain?

How curious. 8)

But I'm going to start looking for this naked pairs yoga you speak of.

Somebody stop me!

At June 09, 2005 5:28 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

Well, I love it when you update.


At June 10, 2005 9:21 AM, Blogger Dave said...

We're gonna miss Mz Alix and Dave on our trip to the Land of the Long White Hobbits, on account of them being here or there or whatever.


At June 24, 2005 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would actually want to watch "Buffy". I can't believe you appear to be in Japan, yet you wash your rice and use a rice cooker. I just can't get my head around it.

This comment brought to you by Marco’s Blog

At June 24, 2005 7:39 PM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

Of course I wash my rice. It would be dirty otherwise. Besides, the Japanese wash their rice, and if anyone knows anything about rice, I'll bet the Japanese do.

As for the rice cooker, it came with the girl friend. I used to just use a saucepan, but I've grown accustomed to the convenience of the rice cooker.

However I have no idea about the preparation methods of different rice. The only rice I use is the rice Mari's mother sends me. And my knowledge of its background is that it is from Japan and a white colour. So of course YMMV as for the useful of the rice washing technique as presented. I'm sure different rices required different preparations.

As for Buffy, of course I watch it. In fact Dr. Clam's missive was very timely as I'd just started watching the series again from the start. I'm only on the second DVD now. I'd seen it to the end of the fourth season before I left Oz, and had really enjoyed it.

Buffy sits firmly in the genre of comedy. And in comedy the logic and concerns of the real world, plus characterization often become subservient to the comedy. To rail against Buffy for its solipsism is as dead-end as complaining that in the Caddyshack "universe" the military aren't capturing, cloning and training hyper-intelligent gophers to undermine the enemies fortifications. And yet a Caddyshack TV series could be made, and there could be a show in this series inwhich this occured. But that doesn't mean it has to happen again in the next show, and it doesn't mean it has to make a 'fanboy' sense or have a deeper meaning.

Besides the script is piss-funny.

If you don't want to accept Buffy is a comedy then the show probably isn't for you. I suggest you look for the excellent British series Ultraviolet. It sounds more to your taste.


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