Friday, June 24, 2005

Winston Reloaded

As I'm skipping yoga tonite so that I can sit down and write something, I'd better get it all out.

I'm really going to have to rethink my recent blogging stratagy, which has been to think of what I want to type, decide I'm too busy at the moment to blog it, go away, get snowed under, think of more things I want to type, realise that now I need more time to type them up so I'd better wait till later when I'm less busy...

You get the idea.

Small blogs could be the answer. Bloggettes? Sounds vaguley rude or French. Possibly both.

Bring out your dead
I was saddened to read about the death of Emily - Defender of the Universe. She was a weird cat that had a head full of faulty wiring. Sometimes moments of lucidity would shine through, and other times she'd shit on the floor right next to the sandbox. She really landed on her feet when Christ took her in. He had more patience and love for her than she would have found anywhere else on this planet. She'll be missed.

Happy Happy Joy Joy
In keeping the cosmic balance, as one soul departs another enters. Congratulations to Sumie and Ted on the arrival of Hanabanana. I saw the little mite the day after the event and can confirm that she was small and quiet at the time. This is probably subject to change. I am so very happy for the both of them.

Old Farts and Supermen
Recently at the gym I've seen some pretty amazing old guys strutting some powerful mojo. One guy came to the yoga class. Having an older person at the class isn't super unusual - especially at the relaxtion class. But the ones who come to the Power Yoga class often have a little difficult with some of the techniques, or the endurance needed to maintain the pace. Not this porkchop. Balance (and I'm so with you here mate) was a tad on the wobbly side, but flexibility and stamina were right up there. Shows that barring injuries the body can keep on keeping on.

Then there was the guy punching out the 80kg benchpresses. Not so unusual you might think, especially as I saw a delicate gorrilla doing 140kgs the other day. But this guy was definitely over 50 years old. One can but dream of his Samson-like chest.

And now onto another superhero.

Batman Begins

The more I think about this one, the more I like it. Immediately after I'd seen it I wasn't so excited. I knew it was good, but had been left a bit upset by some elements. These have tended to fade over the last few days. Probably I went in with my expectations too high.

So I'll say it again. I like the film. But I want to talk about something that still hasn't gelled for me. It's the motivations of The League of Shadows. I can't fathom them, and as they are the bad guys, they're fairly central to the plot.

How does destroying Gotham bring about a balance to justice? If they hope to effect any kind of change they would need a manifesto. And so without making public their responsibility they can't hope to effect any kind of shift in public opinion. It is just murder. Now this is fair enough if they are cackling madmen, but they seem to have vision, yet I'm lost at how they intended to make it a reality.

Am I missing something? Can anyone help?

BTW in looking for answers to this I sought out that fount of knowledge - the IMDB message boards. In doing so I found this great .sig.

"If you're posting on IMDB, I doubt you're banging a supermodel."

Fuck I did laugh. That about wraps it up for now.


At June 24, 2005 10:49 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

You good little updater you.

At June 24, 2005 11:20 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...



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