Monday, February 13, 2006

To PSP or not to PSP

February is just zooming along as one big blur.

Not much to report in my life over the last week. I'm really just mentally marking time until the ski trip on Saturday. This week of work won't be adding anything to my life in any way. I'm doing interview tests ALL week. EVERY class. Sheesh.

I've been thinking about buying a PSP for what seems like forever (due to the mental torture), but in reality is probably about 2 weeks. The agony about it is becoming deliciously excruciating. I want it so bad I can taste it. I have heaps of reasons for why it will be an incredibly valuable asset to my life. It may even help me learn Japanese. And with that excuse, you can see how sad I've become. Reason has gone out the window, and the desire to spend, spend, spend is taking over. I'm a kangaroo in the headlights of consumerism.

Hop into the light!


At February 19, 2006 11:43 AM, Blogger antiChris said...

This PSP craving wouldn't have anything to do with Magicdog having one would it?

At February 28, 2006 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, are you crazy? Of course you want the PSP. You can use it for all sorts of things. Like, ummm, playing games. And watching really small movies on trains, planes & automobiles. Possibly even movies about trains, planes & automobiles if you like. And listening to music. Unless you've already got a smaller MP3 player that's less of a hassle to lug around. Or one of those mobile phones what plays songs as well. And browsing the web. Sometimes. If you can make it work. Or perhaps, just this.

Anyway, to sum up, from one consumer whore to another: buy, buy, buy!


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