Monday, December 26, 2005

And so this was Xmas

Merry Xmas to all who may venture here, and especially to those who sent me a little Xmas email or Xmas blogger comment. Xmas spirit and luv to all. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Earthlings. Hands across the water. Tarah! tarah! tarah!

As nice as Xmas may be, it does tend to wear out its welcome. There's only so many times one can listen to "All I Want For Xmas is You", without suffering an aneurism. So one really good thing about Xmas in Japan is that once Xmas day is finished, the decorations immediately come down. And I mean immediately. Xmas ain't so important, it's more a time for couples to enjoy Xmas illuminations rather than a season of goodwill. The New Year is much more important, and so those decorations have to be put up.

And thus when Mari and I were returning from our ski trip last nite at about 11:30pm, the Xmas tree outside the station was about to come down. As I had my digicamera on me I took this little memento. Enjoy, for it's gone for another year.

And this morning on the way to work there was just an empty space.


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