Monday, October 23, 2006

The Hunt cont.

Ted was free again on Saturday arvo, so we met up in Ebisu to try and once more justify our PSP purchases.

Damn hunting is fun. The plan seems to be to find a dark, not too noisy coffee shop and then kill, kill, kill. Works for me. In our next meeting we should finish off the 1st level treasure hunt missions. Then it's onward and upward to level 2. Yippee!

Now if only we could find another hunter, then we could start to tackle the group missions.

Lest it should appear that I only inhabit a fantasy world populated by monsters (unlike the fantasy world I regularly live in populated by Yamada Yuu) after the hunt I and a few friends knocked back a couple of beers. I also ate the finest damn burger I've ever eaten. It had fried pumpkin in it.

Hmm, wish I had something more salubrious to write about, but really that's about it. Sitting on my arse, drinking, eating and PSPing. At least I (mostly) went outside to do them.

In my further slothful adventures I did read Fight Club, and found it to be one of those rare cases where the film is (marginally) better than the book. The slight changes the film made were for the better.


At October 28, 2006 10:30 PM, Blogger alixkid said...

Based on your stirling recommendation I have purchased a copy of Monster Hunter Freedom. It does sound like one of those rolled up names. All I need to do now is wrestle the PSP of Dave.

At October 30, 2006 11:09 PM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

I recommend looking up the list of combinable items off the Internet. At first I was combining by trial and error, then I realized that sitting around trying to be a half-assed alchemist was not my idea of fun. I'd rather be killing monsters.

A quick Google and I had the complete list, and haven't regretted it.

What I have regretted is ditching my sword and shield for a two-handed style. It's not that I don't like the style, or even miss having the shield. It's just that the two swords become blunt so much faster than the single sword. I seem to be forever stopping to sharpen them.

And don't get me started on how bad I suck with the lance+shield combo.



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