Sunday, March 26, 2006


We've come back from watching Crash, which was supposedly the Best Picture of the Year with the Best Original Screenplay, as far as the Oscars were concerned.

I guess my "supposedly" gives the game away that I was under-whelmed. It is certainly well-acted with some funny lines, but for the most part this film is 2 hours of issues ladled on thick by characters that suck down way, way, way too many espressos. I don’t remember seeing a film where so many people seem to be so angry about so much. Right from the get go complete strangers are insulting each other with racial slurs. Obviously not a film made by the LA tourist bureau.

And what has this message movie taught us by the end. Racism is bad, bad people sometimes do good things, and good people sometimes do bad things. Illuminating stuff. I didn’t care if more than half of them lived or died.

If this is modern America, then I’m glad I live in Japan.


At March 26, 2006 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

way, way, way too many espressos? interesting concept. albeit a little wrongheaded.

At March 26, 2006 11:41 PM, Blogger winstoninabox said...


The really annoying thing for me was after posting to the blog last night, then my brain sat up half the night deconstructing this fucking picture. When I'd left the cinema I was mad that I'd spent my time watching it to the end. Then I was madder when Mari said that she didn't like it at all, so I realized that we could have left long before the finish. Now I'm mad that I lost sleep over it.


I think I go out and shoot somebody because I'm so self-centered that I've got to blame others for my lack of socialization. After all we all know that society is to blame, so let’s arrest them.

Fuck me if Sandra Bullock’s story wasn’t a complete WASPish whine about who the fuck cares what. And the Persian guy, I mean, like let’s kill because I got ripped off. And the little girl going to save daddy from the complete set up from an hour before, and the black hitchhiker who goes to put his hand in his pocket on a lonely dark LA road, and the white driver who’s reaction was to pull a gun even though he’d avoided a similar situation by using his head a few hours before, and the locksmith who fixes locks without first consulting the customer about prices or the job or anything, and the DA’s minder who’s opening lines are something like, “How about those blacks who keeping fucking everything up?” and the black carjackers who seemed to be the scriptwriters walking mouthpieces about racism, but yet, irony of ironies, slur the chinks… And then let’s not forget the final frames that depict a crash, thus bringing us full circle to the film’s beginning. Dead clever that was.

This was at best a series of well-acted vignettes on a coincidence-ridden day in LA, and at worst a poorly plotted film that butts talking heads together.

Oh forget it.

If this film had any subtlety about it, would somebody please tell me where I could find it, ‘ cause somehow I’ve overlooked it?

Wow, what a rant. Relax winston, go to your happy place…

At March 27, 2006 2:32 AM, Blogger alixkid said...

It doesn't sound like my kind of movie. Though, they do say that it is oscar bait if you think about it all night afterwards. So technically hating it all night counts for award points.

At March 27, 2006 10:23 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Did it actually win any though?

At April 01, 2006 6:52 PM, Blogger Polysemous said...

When it arrives in Bugsplat (on DVD) we'll wait for it to hit the cheap shelf.


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