Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Once Upon a Time...

a rather hapless teacher of English conversation wanted to have a class for the other teachers so everyone could enjoy the magic that is English. So he thought, "What can I do that's a little different AND fun?" Then he remembered seeing a storytelling card game in a quite brilliant but little know short film.

"That should be a little different AND fun" he thought as he thunk further.

But never having played the game before he thought he'd better test it out. So he took the game along to the eating of most delicious gourmet burgers (and a damn fine slice of cheese cake) that occurred on Sunday afternoon. This was a rather brave thing to do, because there was sure to be much tomato sauce and grease in attendance with the burgers.

But all went well as no cards went soggy and all had fun (but I'm unsure of what happened to the well). So much so that on returning home he and Mari played the game for another hour.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Until the event horizon, that is.


At May 31, 2006 8:48 AM, Blogger Dave said...

And did you tell stories of surpassing fabulousness? Of damsels bold and knights fair? Of toads who are princes and princes who are princesses and witches who are warty yet strangely alluring?

Easily-distracted enquiring minds want to know!

At June 01, 2006 7:51 AM, Blogger winstoninabox said...

We told one story at the burger store, but for the life of me I can't remember it.

At home we had a king who was a werewolf, a witch accidently disfigured by the princess and thus revengeful, a foolish servant and a great storm.

But neither time were all story elements tied up. We had to settle for finding out about what happened to most of them.


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