Thursday, April 27, 2006


In an attempt to get my post count up for this month, and also to try and show that I am actually doin' stuff, I'll talk about the movie I saw yesterday - V for Vendetta.

Well, for a start I saw it - that's one. I enjoyed it - that's two. I'd recommend it - that's three. But if you dare to read on there are some...


V for Vendetta doesn't quite capture Allan Moore's vision, although it does a fairly good job of telling it's own story. It also does a better than most (Stargate, The Chronicles of Riddick, and most certainly Planet of the Apes (2001)) job of telling a collapse-of-an-empire-in-one-movie story, as it cuts between Evey, V, Finch and the government meetings.

My major complaints are that the character of V has been watered down from an (in/sane) anachist to a freedom fighter, and that the idea of the goverment being represented as parts of the body seems to have been incompletely translated (there are fingermen and "the voice of London", but no ears and head).

But the change in V's character works in this movie, so really I shouldn't compare the movie too much to the comic. But dang, it does make me want to read the comic again.


At April 28, 2006 4:59 PM, Blogger Dave said...

I'd agree with that. My review: way better than I'd steeled myself for. Really, my only complaints are reserved for the bullet-time knife fight (wearily silly, but not offensive) and the strange choreography of the ending (a bit absurdist-fantasy, but not enough to ruin what went before).


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