Monday, June 18, 2007


Beasts. Breasts. Fu. Heads most definitely roll.

winstoninabox says check it out.


Friday, June 15, 2007


The worst thing about having spilt coffee all over the kitchen floor is not having to get down on one's hands and knees to clean it up, but that once you get down there you see that the floor you previously thought from above was quite clean, is actually a sewer of filth and human refuse. I'm surprised I'm not overrun by cockroaches.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Beat Sex

Turns out I was to Internet play using the DS rather than the PSP.

Mari has no interest in the kinds of games I like to play. But she is crazy about Tetris. She plays it on her mobile phone every morning and night to kill time on the train. Often so much that her phone's battery is dead.

So the other day I picked her up a copy of Tetris for the DS. It was a bargain actually because it has download play, which means up to 10 people can play using the one game by downloading it onto their own DS via WiFi connection. The multi-player game is particularly nasty as when you destroy multiply rows those rows are sent to your opponent. They appear at the bottom of your screen as gray blocks. We played a few games together, and I could enjoy having my virtual ass whipped. I have no skill at Tetris.

But the game is also playable over the Internet. Yes, you can play against people from all over the world. After a few tries I was eventually holding my mouth the right way and got the DS talking to the Internet. Suddenly someone called "z"-something (no idea what the something was as it all happened too fast) from God-knows-where connected to my game and we were playing. Within thirty seconds "z"-something had filled my screen with gray blocks, realized that he or she was battling a complete dweeb, and broken off the game.

Somehow I thought my first time would be more memorable.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Is this an Earthquake Which I Feel Before Me?

Woke yesterday to an almighty shaking. I thought it was an earthquake, but the shaking continued for more than a minute. So then I thought it was THE BIG ONE (Doomsayers predict Tokyo is long overdue for a big earthquake). But the walls weren't a tumbling down - at least not for me. No, it was just the apartments next door being demolished. The crashing and banging eventually drove me from bed on my day off, and into the arms of Akihabara.

Ahh, Akihabara. Geek Kapitol of Japan. I was in search of a PSP headset so that the Internet games could really get going. After a bit of walking around I found a store selling them. Surprisingly hard to find really considering it is a Sony product. It's not as if Sony is a small company in Japan.

But the treasure chest was positively overflowing with booty as Sid Meier's Pirates for the PSP was also found. Now the biggest decision of my life has become which to play - be I a pirate or a superhero? If only there was a pirate + superhero game.

I returned home to find a large rubble-filled hole next to my apartment.


Monday, June 04, 2007

My Left Foot

A while ago I had the problem of needing to buy new socks for work. Like a typical male I treat clothes shopping as a problem to be solved, thus I solved the problem by buying 5 pairs of the same socks in the same color. In Japan you can buy socks with toes. I love these kind of socks. Very freaky looking.

So sitting in the dark of my room this morning (I have thick brown curtains to keep out the 5:30am sunshine) getting dressed I was surprised to find as I unrolled each balled-up pair of socks, that they were all for my left foot. It's a little confusing and disconcerting when you're in a half asleep state to try and put a left-footed sock onto your right foot. Then when you finally work out why your big toe can't squeeze into the tiny little toe position, stand up, get another pair, sit down, try to put them on, only to once again be confronted by the big toe conundrum, it's really confusing. When it happens three times in a row I suspect foul play. Next time I see Mari I'll be questioning her heavily about the head and shoulders with a smelly sock.

Good News in Dots
  • Check out Ms Alix's website for some great news.
  • It's only about a year after the rest of the world, but Crank is finally coming. This had better make up for Transporter II, which blew chunks of awful CG action.
  • Ted and I successfully played Marvel Ultimate Alliance over the Internet using our PSPs. If anyone else has a hankering to play then drop me a line and we'll work out a time when we can get together and kick Dr. Doom's shiny metal ass.
  • Weather continues to be beyond good. 6 weeks until summer holidays.