Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mindless Minor Disappointment about "The X-Files: I Want to Believe"

'...it's really been 16 years since the show first aired'

Wow. Time flies.

I never really watched The X-Files much when it first aired, but I do remember most of my friends doing so. I came to the series primarily through renting the DVDs, and ended up watching all the shows and the movie. As far as TV goes, The X-Files was one of the best I've seen. Even after the departure of David Duchovny I still enjoyed the show, although I felt that the stories that touched on Mulder were the weakest ones.

After Duchovny left Robert Patrick came in as John Dogget, and did a fantastic job. And so I'm a little disappointed not to see his name in the cast list for the new movie. That's it. End of gripe.

Oh, wait. I found another one. The movie is coming to Japan 6 months after everyone else gets it. So that's 6 extra months of avoiding spoilers and previews. There's another gripe.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fark I Love the Onion

Just some links, but as I did laugh, you may too.

For those who remember Torg, Opray Winfrey as a High Lord. And does this seem familiar?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

god is got Great

And neither is this book. Christopher Hitchens god is not Great has a great book hidden in it somewhere underneath the diatribe. And annoyingly it's way under referenced. And even more annoyingly the little referencing there is, is in my paperback copy (published by "12" in 2007) incorrectly referenced. I suspect it's taken straight from the hardback without any thought about the changing of the page numbers.

If you didn't like The God Delusion for its language, then you're going to loath god is not Great. And frankly even I, who's batting on the same team as Hitchens, had trouble with some the outlandishness of it. Let's take look.

'In 2004, a soap-opera film about the death of Jesus was produced by an Australian fascist and ham actor named Mel Gibson. Mr. Gibson adheres to a crackpot and schismatic Catholic sect consisting mainly of himself and of his even more thuggish father...' [131]

Now maybe the above is true, but there's not a further explanation, reference or footnote for any of this. It reads like opinions backed up by bile. Gibson has never had even an Oscar nomination for acting, but could you really call him a ham? What sect of Catholicism is Gibson in? What's the story with Gibson's father being a fascist? Is it common knowledge, and I'm just out of the loop?

I recommend the book to those who want a good laugh.


Uhmmm.... Happy New Year.

Well, the Internet has finally returned to my home life. With the as-near-to-as-makes-no-difference 12 hour days I'm working I'm not giving out any guarantees that this means a return to my regularly irregular blog, but who knows.

So far this year I've reached the milestone of 40, signed on for yet another year in Japan, still not bought any furniture (but come close) and not yet got married (but we're working on the paperwork).

That's about it. Unless you count the copious PSPing I've done in any free moments. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories now 82% complete.